24 August 2024

The Houthis Set Oil Tanker Ablaze on the Red Sea

I wanted to say that the Red Sea is on fire, but only one ship on the Red Sea is on fire. Fires break out on abandoned Greek-flagged oil tanker Sounion that Yemen rebels attacked in Red Sea

The Houthis attacked the ship on Thursday, causing the crew to abandon. They then apparently boarded the ship and planted demolition charges. For video of that see the video linked below.

The British military's United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations center reported the fires in a note to mariners on Friday night.

“UKMTO have received a report that three fires have been observed on vessel,” the center said. “The vessel appears to be drifting.”

The crew of 25, Russians on Philipinos, abandoned ship on Thursday, were picked up a French destroyer, and taken to Djibouti.

The ship was carrying 150,000 tonnes of Iraqui crude oil heading for a refinery in Greece.

You can find a 4 and a half minute video from the YouTube channel What is Going on With Shipping? at the following link: Tanker MV Sounion Boarded by Houthi & Demolition Charges Set on Board in the Red Sea | No Casualties.

Since I know some people are geographically challenged... The Red Sea connects the Indian Ocean, and the Arabian Sea to the Medditerranian Sea by way of the Suez Canal.

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