24 August 2024

Saturday Roundup of Link Roundups - 24 August

Wombat-socho starts us off with In The Mailbox: 08.21.24 (Morning Edition)

Don Surber: The war on children
STUMP: Chicago Is My Kind Of Town To Beat Up On – The Payoff Year!

The Right Way - Top of the News

How many charging stations are there in Chechnya? - IOTW Report
Those “experts” rate the presidents - The New Neo

Animal Magnetism - Animal’s Hump Day News

This is a gross understatement.
Because he’s a lying Blue Falcon sack-o-crap.
Stupidity. Lots and lots of stupidity.

EBL - Democrats: Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap...

Instapundit: How the Democrats pushed Biden out and ruined RFK's campaign...
The Party of Choice™, chose to get rid of Biden and RFK, Jr.
This is astonishing: https://t.co/HWkGXsOAcp

Wombat-socho again - In The Mailbox: 08.22.24 (Early Morning Edition)

Don Surber: I reject their normal
Michelle Catalano: a small victory

Vlad Tepes - Canada and Islamic hate speech against Jews and puppies, BoltA on vetting failure of Gaza migrants and more: Links 1 for August 22, 2024

1. Please read the full analysis at RAIR connecting a number of blatant examples of breach of speech crimes acts, exceeding the standards of what is commonly attacked as “hate speech” and about which, nothing was done.

A View from the Beach - Flotsam and Jetsam - Kamala Speaks

Forget Kamala’s Speech – John Stossel Has Everything You Need To Know Right Here, Louder With Crowder: CNN panelist drops atomic truth bomb about the Obama-Kamala years that leaves everyone speechless

Lawrence Person's BattleSwarm Blog - LinkSwarm For August 23, 2024

Democrats admit what Republicans have known all along: they want to amnesty all the illegal aliens they’ve let in the country.
“Congressional Democrats in tight reelection bids skip Harris, party’s nominating convention.”

Again from Wombat-socho - In The Mailbox: 08.22.24 (Evening Edition)

Victory Girls: Tim Walz At The DNC – The “Coach” And His Lies, also, It’s Totally Ok That Kamala’s Policies Are “Fuzzy”
Volokh Conspiracy: What Walz and Vance Get Wrong About Opportunity and Mobility

Gates of Vienna - News Feed 8/21/2024

An anti-semitic group reportedly calling itself “Court” sent a bomb threat via email early Wednesday morning to hundreds of synagogues, Jewish support centers and hospitals, warning of that all affected will be in “a pool of blood”

Small Dead Animals - Thursday On Turtle Island

Comrade Kamala’s America: The patron saint of child indoctrination. Class warfare at the DNC.
Blackie’s Canada: A railway stoppage. Stop hating Jews. Justin’s Muslims are upset with him (CBC).

Cafe Hayek - Some Links

Ryan Bourne makes clear that “anti-price-gouging laws entrench shortages.”
Robert Sterling’s X-thread on the consequences of Harris’s proposed price-controls on groceries is scary yet quite believable.

Once again from Wombat-socho - In The Mailbox: 08.23.24

Vox Popoli: 30 and Counting, History Notes, The Battle of Kursk, Round 1, and LEAVE NEIL ALONE!
According To Hoyt: When The Psyops Breaks

J.J. Sefton at Ace of Spades HQ - The Morning Report — 8/22/24

The ratings crash suggests that Vice President Kamala Harris is far less popular than the media purported.
Nielsen: DNC Television Ratings Crash 22% from 2016

Doug Ross - Larwyn’s Linx: Harris Calls For Mass Amnesty For Millions Of Illegals If Elected

• China’s manufacturers are going broke - The Economist • Biden Secretly Orders Preparations for Nuclear War - Jazz Shaw

Anonymous Conservative - News Briefs – 08/22/2024

London Mayor Sadiq Khan fears for his safety if Trump is reelected, says Labour should openly back Kamala.
Anne Heche: Deep State cover up….or faked death?

I leave you with Hang in there, it's almost Friday memes from Wirecutter, Thursday Memes .. from MaddMedic, Memes and Musings from The Feral Irishman, and Skip To My Lou, My Darlin' ~ PM from Woodsterman.

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