10 August 2024

Saturday Roundup of Link Roundups - 10 August

Animal Magnetism starts things off with Animal’s Hump Day News

This is also known as belaboring the obvious.
National treasure Dr. Victor Davis Hanson weighs in on the election.

EBL - J.D. Vance in Michigan: Kamala Harris policy failures and Tim Walz cowardice

EBL: Kamala Harris : Chaotic Mess
Instapundit: At least John Kerry went to Vietnam, Make America Minnesota Again

Wombat-socho - In The Mailbox: 08.07.24

BattleSwarm: Has Marvel Purged The Woke?
Behind The Black: China launches first 18 satellites in a new Starlink-type internet constellation

The Right Way - Top of the News

Little Mogadishu’, Minnesota: Brother of 12-Year-Old Girl Sets Trap to Catch Suspected Rapist - IOTW Report
Riots in the UK sparked by the murder of three little girls - The New Neo

If You are Left you ain't Right - WEEKEND LINKS

The Other McCain ponders not if Tim Walz sucks, but how much he sucks
Moonbattery ponders the UK denying Healthcare to racists

Pixy Misa at Ambient Irony - Daily News Stuff 8 August 2024: Nasty Big Pointy Teeth Edition

Speaking of which, will my vendor replace my dead Intel CPU? Probably. (The Verge)
Asus and HP, along with most of the smaller system builders, confirmed the two year warranty extension would apply to their customers.

Lawrence Person's BattleSwarm Blog - LinkSwarm For August 9, 2024

The puppeteers have stopped pretending. “Obamaites Take Over Team Kamala.”
“Appeals Court Paves the Way for Illegals to Potentially Steal the Election in Arizona.”

Again from Wombat-socho - In The Mailbox: 08.09.24 (Afternoon Edition)

CDR Salamander: Diversity Thursday
Don Surber: Ferguson speaks
STUMP: Public Pension Problems – Proposed Solutions, But Will They Fix Anything?

A View from the Beach - Flotsam and Jetsam - Walzing Matilda!

Hat Hair's John Sexton, Post: Walz Knew His Unit Might Be Heading to Iraq Before He Retired. Kevin Trainor (Wombat-socko) at his substack, says he's Not The Very Model Of a Modern Sergeant-Major. Ace has More Stolen Valor

Gates of Vienna - News Feed 8/8/2024

Two male boxers have easily made their way to gold medal matches in their respective weight classes at the 2024 Paris Olympic Games.

Vlad Tepes - UK videos and opinions, Jamie Raskin codes out message for US civil war and more: Links 1 for Aug. 7, 2024

5. Tommy Robinson asks if turn around is fair play? Either way, he is going to do it. And at this point, it could be argued that those who play by the rules are just waiting out the clock till they lose to the totalitarian left.

Theo Spark - Bits and Bobs......

Al Jazeera: Reporting on Muslim genocide of Hindus in Bangladesh is ‘Islamophobic’
Lefties Go Wild in Berlin - Gates of Vienna

Small Dead Animals - Let That Sink In

Damien Slash- It’s time to extradite Elon Musk.
James Lindsay- The Woke “ball bearing factory”

Cafe Hayek - Some Links

GMU Econ alum Dominic Pino talks about trade and national security with Samuel Gregg.
Brent Orrell talks with Russ Roberts about Russ’s latest book, Wild Problems.

Maggie's Farm - Wednesday morning links

Glenn Loury on Economics, Black Conservatism, and Crack Cocaine- The Brown University economist's new memoir Late Admissions covers capitalism, addiction, race, and the academy.
Justice Gorsuch on the Administrative State

J.J. Sefton at Ace of Spades HQ - The Morning Report — 8/7/24

The war on our Constitution and Bill of Rights. (continues - jjs)
Joe Biden and the Dems’ Supreme Court “Reform”

Doug Ross - Larwyn’s Linx: Watergate(s) on Steroids

• Surfaced Recording of Biden/Harris Team Reveals How Spread Disinformation At Scale - Margaret Clark
• The Justice Department Makes The Case Against Hunter Biden . . . and Itself in California - Turley

I leave you with Wednesday's gifs from Wirecutter, Wednesday Memes … from MaddMedic, and Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #1933 from 90 Miles from Tyranny.

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