28 August 2024

Sa Ma Ga Pa

I found today's song because I was searching for music by Mohini Dey. She is an Indian bass player I stumbled across on YouTube. While her own music is Fusion. In the US that is a fusion of Rock and Jazz, in India there are apparently a few traditional elements thrown in as well.

Today's song is solidly Jazz, as it is a bit early in the day for fusion. It isn't as jarring as Metal, but I have to be at least on the 3rd cup of coffee.

This is "Sa Ma Ga Pa" by violinist Abhijith PS Nair and guitarist Sandeep Mohan, featuring Mohini Dey on bass and Simon Phillips on drums.

Mohini Dey came to my attention by way of a Rick Beato interview. The video at that link is about 9 minutes.

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