09 August 2024

Not The Very Model Of a Modern Sergeant-Major

Wombat-socho, also known as Kevin Trainor has some insight on Kamala Harris' VP running mate. Not The Very Model Of a Modern Sergeant-Major

I left Minnesota decades ago, and the only exposure I have to the politics in the former “Brainpower State” is what I see on Mitch Berg’s blog, where “Governor Klink” and the DFL party he heads get regular, well-deserved roastings. So I missed all the controversy over Walz’ service in the Minnesota National Guard, which was a minor issue when he was running for Congress and less so when he ran for Governor.

Apparently the man has a few skeletons in his closet, including stolen valor. And then there's this.

As for the Republicans, well, one can forgive them for overlooking Walz as a potential candidate. Walz sat by for three days while Minneapolis burned before sending in the National Guard, and claimed he’d waited that long because the Minnesota Guard was “19,000 poorly trained cooks”. Walz was the governor who managed to piss away a $20 billion budget surplus and drive the state back into debt. Walz’ administration looked the other way while a collection of Somali criminals bilked the state and Federal governments out of $250 million intended to feed hungry schoolchildren. I can imagine someone on Trump’s campaign or the RNC looking at Walz and thinking “Surely nobody would pick this idiot as a running mate!” They forgot that Kamala Harris has the brains of a zucchini.

Go read the whole thing, and consider looking at the info on Mitch Berg has on Walz.

They're short. The third link is my favorite.

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