26 August 2024

Mississippi Homeowner Shoots at Suspect Running from Police

This guy is lucky he didn't get shot in the head. Jackson homeowner fires shot at suspect attempting to enter house: police

Cops executed a traffic stop on a car in Jackson, Mississippi. The passenger in the car had warrants, and ran from police.

Police said Harris attempted to enter a residence, and the homeowner discharged a weapon. Harris was arrested with no serious injury and charged with possession of a controlled substance by Capitol police.

You should probably expect homeowners to be armed in Mississippi, but then you should probably expect homeowners to armed in a lot of places.

"No serious injury" implies some injury.

Another case of a Good Guy, with a gun, stopping a Bad Guy. I thought the Left assured everyone that this never happens.

Self-defense is a human right, and it appears to be your legal right in Mississippi. Good Guys 1, Bad Guys 0. (Hat tip to The Blaze)

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