30 August 2024

Is It Fair to Release Predators from Jail?

This guy had a life sentence, because he did bad things. Now the California government wants to release him because it isn't fair. Or something. From OANN - Pedophile Sentenced To 350 Years For Abducting And Molesting 5-Year-Old Girl May Be Freed Due To Woke Calif. Law

Charles William Mix was expected to die in prison behind bars for kidnapping his roommate’s daughter and smuggling her over state lines into Utah in 2003, KABC reported. ...

Mix could be freed under California’s progressive Elderly Parole program, which protects elderly convicts, even those responsible for such heinous crimes.

His victim is still traumatized. Her family is now being dragged back into it to try and keep this monster in jail. Click thru for the details.

When did holding people accountable for their crimes become a bad thing?

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