13 August 2024

How's That Criminal Justice Reform Working Out?

The number of victims just keeps going up. 17-year-old shot a woman during an armed robbery while awaiting trial for 3 pending felony cases: prosecutors - CWB Chicago

A 17-year-old boy with three felony cases pending in juvenile court shot a woman while robbing her of her purse on June 16, officials say.

Tommy Douglas was on the streets that afternoon despite being charged with armed carjacking, aggravated robbery, possessing a stolen motor vehicle, and attempted burglary in a trio of ongoing juvenile cases, Assistant State’s Attorney Ruby Karam said during a detention hearing.

He came up behind a woman and tried to steal a purse, when the woman resisted, he shot her in the back.

Finally they are holding him, pending trial. They usually only do that in Chicago when someone has died.

He is the 23rd person accused of shooting, killing, or trying to shoot or kill someone in Chicago this year while on felony pretrial release. The crimes involved 38 victims; seven died.

So why is CWBChicago counting this kind of thing?

CWBChicago began our series of reports in November 2019 after Cook County Chief Judge Timothy Evans publicly stated, “We haven’t had any horrible incidents occur” under the court’s bond reform initiative.

On September 18, 2023, Illinois eliminated cash bail entirely. Our “not horrible” continues.

Click thru for the stats which go back to 2020. More than 100 people, including 1 police officer, have been killed by criminals out on parole while on pretrial release for a felony.

What happened to the Left and their, "If it saves one life..." mantra about things they don't like?

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