04 August 2024

How Is That Criminal Justice Reform Working Out

This kind of thing has got to kill morale for the police. Man gets arrested 2x in one day — while on electronic monitoring for robbery cases

This is crazy. This guy has been arrested 75 times since 2015, and 12 times in 2024.

Anyone who needs an example of what’s wrong with the criminal justice and social service systems in Chicago should start their search with Sean Hill.

The 54-year-old, arrested by Chicago police 75 times since June 2015 and 12 times so far this year, is consistently described in CPD paperwork as having significant untreated mental health issues and hands that have been mangled by frostbite. Many of his arrests involve allegations of randomly battering people, usually downtown, and theft.

Battery is not serious enough to hold him, apparently, and so he is on the street, committing more crime.

As a final note, there’s this: Even though Hill was spending a lot of time downtown at all hours of day and night, he cannot be charged with escape from electronic monitoring unless prosecutors can prove that he was trying to avoid prosecution in the robbery cases. And, while he was downtown, allegedly battering women at random and stealing from a coffee shop, he was also earning day-for-day credit that will be applied toward any prison sentence he receives, should he be convicted of the robberies.

I'm going to miss civilization when it's completely gone.

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