02 August 2024

Grand Theft Chicken Sandwich

I love Colion Noir's sense of humor. (The title of this post is actually a quote from Mr. Noir.)

Let's not overlook the elephant in the room. Williams was a felon. He wasn't supposed to have a gun in the first place. So, how did he get one? [Claps] Round of applause, once again, for the failure of gun control.

You have felon who illegally gets a gun, and a law abiding citizen who can't carry one because of "company policy." The criminal, who shouldn't have a gun, has one, and the worker, who probably would carry if he could, considering the way he fought back, is left defenseless.

That is the reality on the ground when the idea of keeping people safe is to disarm them in hopes that it disarms criminals. It's fucking stupid.

Now I think you get all the info you need, and some great commentary, from the embedded video, but I have linked a story from the New York Post below the video.

UPDATE: YouTube doesn't want you to be traumatized by the video, so I have switched to Rumble.

This is Colion Noir's video Unarmed Chick-Fil-A Employee Fights Off Armed Robber

From the NY Post - Georgia Chick-fil-A delivery driver fights off masked, gun-wielding robber in dramatic video

Why fight back against an armed robber?

Williams — who wore a mask over his head — stormed into the kitchen area and told the victim “he was going to die if he didn’t open the safe and pointed a handgun at him” — but the employee did not know the combination of the safe, police said.

"Open the safe or Die," was answered with "I don't know how to open the safe." That didn't stop the bad guy, he reiterated the threat. What do you do at that point? Just die, or try to live?

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