25 August 2024

Fired for Being In Washington on January 6th

Not for being part of the "insurrection" but just for being in the city. From The College Fix: Teacher fired after alleged Jan. 6 involvement wins wrongful termination lawsuit.

His real crime, of course, is that he is conservative.

The suit was over first amendment rights.

For example, in response to a post which said “Don’t worry everyone, the Capitol is insured,” [Jason Moorehead, a 17-year veteran social studies instructor in the Allentown School District] wrote “This!” The remark is a reference to those who said the same thing about the most destructive riots in U.S. history following the killing of George Floyd.

But hey, the "mostly peaceful" protests after the Floyd incident were not done by conservatives, so completely OK, and justified. Or something.

At the trial, the district claimed it had “attempted” to reinstate Moorehead — as long as he took a “cultural sensitivity” course. Moorehead refused, alleging the district had “created an unsafe, hostile work environment.”

He then was terminated.

How do you spell "Marxist Struggle Session?"

Click thru for the details. How much he won, how much will come from the district, and how much will come from a couple of select board members.

[Moorehead’s lawyer AJ] Fleuhr added “There was never any justification for [the district’s] insidious and Orwellian course of action.”

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