27 August 2024

$1.7 Trillion Student Loan Debt Constitutes a Crisis

And the destruction of the American University System.

Mike Rowe interviews Victor Davis Hanson about the state of the universities in America, and how DEI is destroying the value of the degree, while the cost of the degrees are skyrocketing.

There is a revolutionary movement in education to get rid of this toxic, "I have a bunch of letters after my name, therefore I'm educated, therefore I'm an expert." What the universities have done is almost criminal. [Victor Davis Hanson]

This is Mike Rowe's video The $1.7 Trillion Student Loan Crisis: Who's Really to Blame? | The Way I Heard It. This is a 13 minute excerpt from the interview. I'm guessing that the total interview is longer, but that is only a guess.

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