01 July 2024

Will Police Be Held Accountable for Uvalde?

This is a first step, but I doubt that it will come to anything in the end. Uvalde school shooting: Pete Arredondo indicted over police response

A 10-count indictment made public Friday accuses former Uvalde school district police chief Pete Arredondo of 10 missteps that led to the botched law enforcement response to an active shooter who killed 19 children and two teachers in May 2022.

Authorities booked Arredondo on Thursday into the county jail, where he spent about 90 minutes before being released on bond.

A grand jury also indicted former school district police officer Adrian Gonzales, whose role has been less public in the two years and one month since the shooting. He had not been booked into jail as of Friday, and an indictment in his case remains under seal.

There is the thing called Limited Immunity, which in practice, is more like Unlimited Immunity. It is a doctrine, created out of whole cloth, by the courts. It means you basically can't hold the cops accountable unless they violate your civil rights, in very specific ways. The cops have no duty to protect you, not even if you have a court order of protection. None of the students or teachers had such court orders. I don't see how the prosecution will overcome that. In the end, I believe this is a political move by the DA to gain points with the community.

And here is a reminder of who the biggest group of losers were, on that day in Uvalde, Texas. Namely, the Uvalde PD Swat Team. (They sure look cool in their fancy outfits, but they are about as useful as a screen door in a submarine.) The photo was taken from the Uvalde PD website around the time of the shooting. (Hat tip to Buddy Brown.)

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