30 July 2024

Tuesday Links - 30 July

The Other McCain is first with a discussion of the Dems campaign plans. ‘Return America to a Dark Past’

One of the things every liberal must believe is Progress, a quasi-religious faith which G.K. Chesterton mocked as “people who prefer Thursday to Wednesday because it is Thursday.” The apostles of Progress would have us believe that 1959 — the year I was born — was a nightmare dystopia, despite those snazy new Chevy station wagons, and that if Donald Trump gets elected in November, we are all going back to 1959.

Irons in the Fire - In the category of "Should be flogged before hanging" we have two entries

Disturbing allegations are detailed in a lawsuit brought by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) against a large Texas-based nonprofit organization tasked and funded by the federal government for years with housing unaccompanied minor children (UMC) who are not legally present in the country.

Matt Margolis at PJ Media - James Carville Drops A Truth Bomb On Democrats About Kamala Harris

After weeks of pressure, Democrat elites successfully blackmailed Joe Biden to drop out of the presidential race, and Vice President Kamala Harris was quickly coronated as the presumptive nominee. There is no denying that Democrats are in the middle of a honeymoon phase with their new candidate.

Wombat-socho - FMJRA 2.0: A Glimmer of Hope

Last but not least, indy writer J.M. Anjewierden has put his reputedly excellent space opera trilogy The Black Chronicles on sale for 99 cents each to help defray the costs of his wife’s surgery. Help a brother out.

Again from The Other McCain - ‘Ghost’ Gets 28 Years in Federal Prison

I’m old enough to remember when Hollywood made movies like Pretty Woman, which portrayed prostitution as glamorous, and I’m also old enough to remember when rock stars like Glenn Frey sang songs that depicted drug trafficking as an exciting adventure. The squalid reality at the Victory Inn ought to be turned into a movie, as a warning to anyone who might be deceived by such myth-making.

Pixy Misa at Ambient Irony - Daily News Stuff 28 July 2024: Rat Tart Without So Much Rat In It Edition

Decrappifying Windows with Windows. (Notebook Check)

This is something you need to do at install time, and if you install a lot of Windows systems you'd already know this, but by dropping an Unattended Windows Setup file onto your install drive you can get rid of almost all of the crap Microsoft wants to shovel at you.

Disclaimer: But only almost.

Lone Star Parson - Beware The Rainbow Pony

The same parties who are paying for this deconstruction of Christian virtue are also baying for war. Go figure, their Father was a murderer from the beginning, but would you fight for that, put your life on the very line for this grotesesque mockery?

Meep at Stump - Chicago Is My Kind of Town To Beat Up On: Previews for the DNC

Before last week’s to-do, I started writing some new stuff on Chicago for the run-up for the Democratic National Convention in Chicago over August 19-22. All sorts of people will be running comparisons to 1968, though the last time it was in Chicago was 1996 (and that went well, if I remember correctly…. but that was Clinton/Gore for a second term, and they were young & full of vim & vigor… and I will stop there.)

The Other McCain again - Aspiring Rapper Update

Readers will note that “Julio Foolio” resembled “Sideshow Bob” from The Simpsons, which is probably not relevant to the act of “urban terrorism” that ended the rapper’s career, What is relevant is that there are now three fewer criminals on the streets of Florida and, once the two fugitive suspects are apprehended — or die in a shootout with police — the public will be that much safer.

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