06 July 2024

There Are Healthier Ways to Vent Your Righteous Indignation

Confronting people over stupid stuff is not a smart idea.Homeowner shot after confronting a man urinating outside his home: police

Police said the suspect pulled over in front of the man's house and started urinating on the sidewalk.

The homeowner came out to complain and that's when he was shot in the arm, according to officials. The suspect jumped back into a vehicle and drove off.

Okay, I get it. You're insulted. You're mad. (I won't say it.) Going out to confront this guy is a bad idea.

He got shot in the arm. He might have been shot in the head or the heart.

We no longer live in a civilized society. Any interaction with a stranger can be deadly. You should pick and choose your interactions with care.

Cops are investigating, but unless the car's license plate was caught on a security camera, I don't know what they are basing investigation on that on. And that assumes that the car wasn't stolen.

I would say vent your righteous indignation by calling 911, but that is probably a hopeless cause in most cities. If you are not bleeding, or in danger of bleeding, it will be a low-priority call. Once he got shot it was a high priority call, of course.

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