28 July 2024

The Musician Whose Music Is Known By the Most People

OK, there are spoilers after the break. If you get here by way of a direct link, just avert your eyes. Or just don't scroll down too quickly.

He might not have sold the most albums, or have the most streams on Spotify, but you know his music, and can most likely hum some of it, and you might even remember when you first encountered it.

I'll give you a hint, he writes music for movies.

This is Rick Beato's video The MOST Well-Known Musical Artist In History?... It's Not Even Close.

Rick made the point that his 11 year-old daughter knows these songs, not because she has seen all of the movies, but because the music shows up in other places, including cartoons and advertisements.

Every single two hour movie is about an 800 page score.


The list of movies (partial list anyway) is after the break.


The artist in question is John Williams.

Here is a partial list of the movies he has worked on; you probably know these themes.

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