12 July 2024

Tennessee Wimps Out on Campus Self-Defense

While West Virginia takes real steps to allow self-defense, Tennessee opts for the insane option. Tennessee law expands college students’ self-defense options on campus

A new law in Tennessee is stopping colleges, universities and other schools from banning non-lethal weapons, such as pepper spray or stun guns.

In April, Gov. Lee signed the Laken Riley Act of 2024. Under the act, students and staff can now carry non-lethal weapons on campuses for self-defense. Tennessee Senator Richard Briggs, who represents Knox County, says it’s a common-sense move.

There is nothing wrong with carrying pepper spray. I keep a canister of pepper spray attached to my car keys, and it is in my hand as I walk to and from my car. As Active Self Protection notes, sometimes you need options.

But you should not assume that pepper spray or a stun gun are going to always solve your self-defense issues.

Still, I guess you have to concede that it is a step in the right direction.

Creating great-big defenseless-victim zones does NOT deter crime. Walk into any mall in America (there are still a few) and over near the security office there will be a sign that basically says "No Crime Allowed on These Premises." Do you think that sign has any impact? Does it stop pick pockets or shoplifters in their tracks?

Someone needs to sue to say that you can't keep me from exercising my constitutional rights because you're afraid of your shadow.

I had more respect for Tennessee.

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