25 July 2024

Suspect in ATV Attack on Elderly Man Dead

Democrats will tolerate anyone, as long as they agree with absolutely everything the Left says you must agree with. Elderly Trump supporter mowed down by ATV while putting up campaign sign in politically motivated attack

There were two incidents of vandalism of cars, and then he assaulted an 80-year-old man, for the horrible crime of putting up Trump signs in his own yard.

In all three cases, victims displayed political yard signs for former president Donald Trump and law enforcement appreciation flags and stickers.

Someone called to confess, and asked police to “send someone to pick me up.”

Hancock police and deputies with the Houghton County Sheriff’s Office arrived at the residence to find the man dead in an apparent suicide.

Deputies searched the home and retrieved electronic devices and found the ATV used in the incident as well as the clothing the suspect wore during the incident.

I'm guessing that he didn't think prison would agree with him, or that he would get caught. One article said that the cops had identified a suspect, but I don't know if that was before or after he called the police.

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