21 July 2024

So Is a Wind Turbine Still Green If...

From Granite Grok: Busted Wind Turbine Debris Closes Beaches During “Heat Wave”

A blade from an off-shore wind turbine run by Vineyard Wind broke up and has dumped fiberglass and foam in the water. Nantucket closed its beaches.

“The water is closed to swimming on all south shore beaches, due to large floating debris and sharp fiberglass shards,” Nantucket Harbormaster Sheila Lucey said. “You can walk on the beaches, however we strongly recommend you wear footwear due to sharp, fiberglass shards and debris on the beaches.”

The article linked in the quote has a bunch of photos of the debris dumped on the beaches.

The mention several times that the debris is not toxic, but glass fibers can cause nasty cuts when fiberglass breaks.(Ask me how I know.)

The blade debris will probably end up in landfills, even if some of it is analyzed by the manufacturer (GE) to determine what caused the failure.

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