03 July 2024

Self-Defense in Indiana

I know reporters shouldn't jump to conclusions, even though they often do, but it isn't much of a leap to see a domestic violence case here. Intruder shot dead by homeowner after entering home in Yoder | WANE 15

An armed man entered a home. He was confronted by the male homeowner, and shot several times. He died at the scene.

So far a typical home invasion/self-defense story.

Officers at the scene were told that the intruder was previously in a relationship with the female homeowner. It is unclear why the man entered the home.

I'm going to go out on a limb and assume he was pissed off because she left him, and he was going to kill her, the man in the home, and maybe the kids as well. There were 2 kids in the home.

People need to come to terms with the statement, "It's over."

This took place in the town of Yoder, Indiana. Yoder is about a 10 mile drive from downtown Fort Wayne, Indiana, or about 120 mile drive north-northeast of Indianapolis.

The cops didn't arrest anyone, but the DA will make the decision about any charges after the autopsy is complete, and the cops submit their report.

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