14 July 2024

Residents of LA Turning to Gun Ownership

What happens when the government fails in its responsibility to maintain law and order? People decide that they need to look out for themselves. Gun shop owner says LA turning to gun ownership over crime, safety concerns

On Friday, I had a story of self-defense in the LA area. This article is a reaction in part to that incident, because it is not the first time in the recent past that an LA area resident has defended himself from a home invader. On Saturday it was story of someone defending himself from a robbery on the street.

Gun shop owner Russell Stewart said gun sales appear to be up in Los Angeles County recently.

"We had a woman that came in today that wanted to buy a pistol because her apartment building had just been broken into, and she was terrified, so she wanted to own a gun," Stewart said. "We're seeing new people every single day. We're seeing people that own several firearms come in every single day. Personal protection is the number one topic, and unfortunately, they just do not have the trust in law enforcement and the DA to keep bad guys away.

The residents of Los Angeles are waking up to the fact that they live in what Hobbes described as The State of War.

In his classic, 1651 book, Leviathan, Hobbes describes the state in which criminals are no longer constrained by fear of the government. When bad guys don't believe that they will face consequences for their actions, they run roughshod over the population. Security devolves from the State to the individual. Life under these conditions is described as "nasty, brutish, and short."

If California ever admits that the 2nd Amendment exists, and grant people the right to carry concealed without the insanity currently imposed on them, the law-abiding might move even farther to defend themselves.

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