20 July 2024

Relatives of Dead People Don't Like Self-Defense

Yesterday I had a story about a Road Rage incident in Indianapolis. Today we have a little more information, some video, and some commentary.

From The Other McCain: FAFO Hall of Fame Nominee.

Let me begin this by saying I am against road-rage violence. As someone who frequently finds myself shouting obscenities about the idiocy of fellow motorists — do you people even know what “merge” means? — I understand that it is wrong to engage in retaliation. Brake-checking or cutting someone off in response to another driver’s misconduct is unnecessary, and once you start escalating such a situation, there’s no telling if it might get completely out of control.

And in this case it escalated. A guy approaches a white Chevy pickup truck with a gun in his hand. It is clearly visible in the video. (See below.) The guy in the pickup truck is also armed and shoots the armed guy at his driver's side window. The guy who got shot, Gavin Dasaur, died at the scene.

Click the link above for more details, including what the widow had to say about the situation, and what The Other McCain had to say about her statement.

This is the video of the incident, complete with Steve Inman's commentary: An angry motorist in Indianapolis learns the hard way after pulling out his gun.

Here is the NY Post's story on the incident. It includes the video, minus Steve Inman's commentary.


  1. Why would you approach a vehicle with a FA in your hand when you cannot see the driver or passengers hands. Dumb. Tragic loss of life, caused by terminal dumbness.

    1. He thought he was a tough guy, and he was going to make his displeasure known.

      Cops don't like to approach people in a vehicle...

      Also by approaching a car with a gun drawn he elevated himself from a possible threat to a reasonable threat. Hence the self-defense claim


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