23 July 2024

Rachel Maddow - Illiterate Fool

But that isn't a surprise really. Well, okay, maybe she's a literate fool. Rachel Maddow claims 'Lord of the Rings' is a 'favorite cosmos' of the far right

Some people she doesn't like are fans of The Lord of the Rings, so that franchise, the books, the movies, everything, must be Evil, with a capital "E." I wonder how the Leftists at Amazon who are currently destroying LotR feels about that.

While the MSNBC host appeared to try to draw a parallel between Narya, the venture capital firm, and “Aryan,” an archaic term that has been associated with far-right racial ideology, Narya is named after one of the rings of power in “The Lord of the Rings” lore, specifically the ring of fire bestowed to elven kings.

Next up, Maddow will claim that Narnia, the mythical realm from The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe is also evil. (It makes as much sense as anything else she is saying.)

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