19 July 2024

Is Your Car Worth Your Life?

Mine is not worth my life. Sunnyvale resident shot at during attempted car theft

People were trying to steal his car at about a quarter to 5 in the morning.

Several suspects were attempting to steal a car parked in front of a house when a resident stepped outside and encountered them, according to the Sunnyvale Department of Public Safety.

The suspects shot at the homeowner several times but missed, the authorities said.

Note that while that longer explanation used the word "encountered," early in the article it is noted that he confronted the would-be thieves.

It was luck that he wasn't shot. He could easily have been shot, or killed. No word on whether or not his house or car were damaged by gunfire.

To reimburse you if your car is stolen, or damaged by robbers, is why you have insurance, after all. What did this guy accomplish, aside from risking his life?

Here is a video from Active Self Protection from about a month ago, on a similar incident.

While stopping robbery is a moral good, there are questions to ask. How many bad guys are there? How many guns? How willing are they to kill you? How proficient are they with those guns? What is the worst that could happen?

In both the case from a month ago, and the case in the article linked at the top, the worst that could happen is the owner of the car is killed, and they steal the car anyway.

In both cases, no mention is made of the homeowner/car-owner being armed. In both cases they were going to speak harshly to the bad guys. Yeah, that is really gonna work in 2024.

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