30 July 2024

Is Intel Headquartered in Mos Eisley?

They are certainly scum and villainy. There is no fix for Intel’s crashing 13th and 14th Gen CPUs — any damage is permanent

So Intel produced chips that are both rusting from the inside, and that self destruct if you push them a little too hard. Under certain conditions, they will ask the computer's motherboard for a voltage high enough to fry the chip. Once fried, it is done. The rust doesn't help either.

So what is Intel doing to fix this? Nothing.

Intel has not halted sales or clawed back any inventory. It will not do a recall, period. The company is not currently commenting on whether or how it might extend its warranty. It would not share estimates with The Verge of how many chips are likely to be irreversibly impacted, and it did not explain why it’s continuing to sell these chips ahead of any fix.

Well they are apparently doing one thing. They seem to be pretending that none of this is their problem. If you buy one of their chips - which cost in the neighborhood of $500 or so - and that chip self destructs, well too bad. You were stupid enough to buy from Intel, or something.

They will be producing a firmware fix in August for the voltage problem.

But if your 13th or 14th Gen Intel Core processor is already crashing, that patch apparently won’t fix it.

The rust issue was apparently taken care of, quietly, last year. It was a manufacturing issue. They won't be doing any recalls of the known bad chips. (Do you know how much that would cost?) They have apparently been pushing back on warranty claims, though that may be for the voltage issue.

Hat tip to Pixy Misa at Ambient Irony and Daily News Stuff 27 July 2024: Takin My Chances With Lamarck Edition.

If you have one of these chips and it's not dead yet, it's probably a good idea to update the BIOS. Of course, updating your BIOS is not risk-free either, but in this case not updating your BIOS may be worse.

But wait, there's more! It turns out that Intel has problems with EVEN more chips, that they won't recall. Intel's CPU instability and crashing issues also impact mainstream 65W and higher 'non-K' models — damage is irreversible, no planned recall.

Intel has now divulged that the crashing issue affecting 13th and 14th-gen processors impacts all 65W and higher CPUs, meaning even more mainstream un-overclockable models are impacted. Intel announced Monday that, even though it still continues to investigate, it had finally gotten to the bottom of crashing issues plaguing its chips. As we reported on Monday, the microcode update is coming in mid-August, but if the bug has already damaged your CPU, you’re out of luck — the damage is irreversible, and the chip will need to be replaced. Intel has no plans to do a recall, but it is replacing impacted processors.

Again by way of Pixy Misa - Daily News Stuff 29 July 2024: Bit Rot Edition

So everything from the past two years could be toast, except the entry-level 13100 and 14100.

And the Mos Eisley reference is at this link.

And the moral of the story? Buy AMD.


  1. It may be time for people to take a serious look at switching over to AMD CPU's.

    1. See this is the insanity of buying the "name brand." On EVERY - or just about every - benchmark of PC computing, AMD beats Intel on a price/performance level. In some cases it isn't even close. If you're building a gaming PC you shouldn't even consider Intel, but the big name (I'm looking at you Meta PC) have one or two AMD choices. Why? Because "Intel Inside" was big 30 years ago.

      I you are married to Microsoft and Windows, you don't need to get a divorce or a separation to use AMD. You just need to buy a different PC. Or a different processor if you're building your own.


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