05 July 2024

Her Privilege Card Was Denied

Finally, a Leftist faces some repercussions. And she is distraught.

She destroyed a sign or a flag, because she disagreed with the message. Then she was shocked to discover that destruction of private property is against the law. While facing those consequences, she asked the person who she attacked, if they didn't have any mercy in their heart.

Without Consequences, behavior will not change. I hope this will be a lesson to libtards everywhere. Your violence is not protected free speech.

Though I hope for that, I really expect the judge to throw out any case because holding people accountable for their actions is just not done in 21st Century American. Not if you're a Democrat, anyway.

This is the Steve Inman video Unhinged Dem gets taught a valuable lesson. Keep Your hands to yourself.


  1. She was ready to ask him to drop it, but not willing to listen. Press charges. Let her experience consequences.

  2. This is home to me. It wasn't clear from the video, but if VCU Police wrote the ticket for this twerp, then good on 'em!


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