25 July 2024

Editing the History of Kamala Harris - Proof We Live in Orwell's Dystopia

The Other McCain brings us Living in Interesting Times.

Border Czar? She was never the Border Czar. You made that up.

Since Biden ended his reelection bid on Sunday, as Matt Vespa says, there has been “a gaslighting operation, unlike anything we’ve seen, where the establishment media is re-writing history,” including the attempt to deny that Harris was ever appointed as Biden’s “border czar.” In fact, Harris “was tapped by President Biden to handle the migrant crisis” in March 2021 and while “border czar” was not her official title, it was widely used in media reports at the time.

Also Second City Cop notes that More Migrant Buses are headed for Chicago.

Just in time for the convention.

Interesting times? As Robert Stacy McCain points out...

Whatever the origins of the phrase may be, certainly we are now living in interesting times, although as Sarah Hoyt notes, bizarre and weird are suitable synonyms for “interesting.”

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