15 July 2024

Do We Know the Motive?

Most people have jumped to, a granted obvious, conclusion. But that isn't truth. From The Other McCain: ‘Violence Was Inevitable’

Yes, obviously, the gunman wished to kill Trump, but as to why he wanted to kill Trump, I have to insist that we still don’t know. It would seem to be the simplest common-sense deduction to say that the would-be assassin’s motive was political, but does the name John Hinckley ring a bell?

In 1981, he tried to assassinate Ronald Reagan: “Hinckley was reportedly seeking fame to impress actress Jodie Foster, with whom he had a fixation after watching her in Martin Scorsese’s 1976 film Taxi Driver.”

That’s not a political motive. That’s just plain crazy.

As always, go read the whole thing.

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