15 July 2024

Biden's Weakness and Putin's Response

It is funny what you stumble across while searching for something else. As Biden's weakness prompts Putin's threats, NATO must act

I have paid little attention to the NATO anniversary. A bunch of European leaders, who can't be bothered to actually fund their own defense, with a few exceptions, come to Washington DC to congratulate themselves on getting the American taxpayer to fund their defense. They are slightly more useful than a screendoor in a submarine.

On June 28, Vladimir Putin announced that Russia would begin production and deployment of nuclear-capable short- and intermediate-range missiles — weapons that have been banned since 1987.

While Russia has likely been quietly producing these weapons for years, the timing of Putin’s public confirmation was troubling.

Banned by The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces treaty of 1987 between the US and the Soviet Union, which no longer exists. The US has maintained that Russia has been in violation of the INF treaty since 2014. If I remember correctly that is when they started doing tests of such missiles.

Biden's "Big Boy" press conference, following the debate, has convinced the world that the US is without a leader. This isn't true, we just don't know that leader actually is. I think it is clear that Biden isn't in contol of anything.

It is more than just Biden of course. Putin's Russia is having more trouble than expected in the war, which started in February of 2022. Russian casualties are between half and three quarters of a million soldiers.

This article details Putin's reaction to Biden's condition, but China is also rattling its sabers relative to Taiwan. The timing seems suspicious.

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