12 June 2024

The Latest Disney Failure

Erik Kain of Forbes doesn't have anything nice to say about The Acolyte, the new Star Wars show. ‘The Acolyte’ Episode 3 Review: One Of The Most Disappointing ‘Star Wars’ Episodes Ever Made

Actually that headline is the toned-down version. Originally it said Episode three was THE worst episode of Star Wars ever. And even if you don't include the abomination that was the 3rd movie in the sequel trilogy, there has been some truly awful Star Wars released by Disney.

The third episode of Disney’s The Acolyte is an embarrassment to the entire franchise, though the same could be said for so much Star Wars these days outside of Andor.

It will be until Monday before the ratings are released. Last week for the premiere double episode Disney spun like mad about how successful this series is. The actual data paints a different picture. But hey, most of what Disney has produced has either been spin, or garbage.

Anyway, this is one of the 1st reviews I've seen. I'm sure there will be more in the next few days, as people digest what they saw. Personally I gave up on Star Wars a while back. Disney either burned it to the ground, or killed it, skinned it, and is dancing in skin suit of George Lucas's vision.

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