17 June 2024

Self Defense Might Be Legal in California After All

I've ignored this story for a couple of days because it just made me mad. Oakland homeowner who fatally shot burglar to be released from jail

A 77-year-old homeowner shot and killed someone clearly trying to break into his home. He exercised his right to remain silent, so the cops arrested him. Because only criminals rely on their constitutional rights. Or something.

Those sources have not said when the 77-year-old homeowner, who has not been named, will be released from custody. The district attorney's office has 48 hours to determine whether to file charges. If no charges are filed, the jailed person is released from custody.

The DA can still charge him if he can drum up some reasons.

On Monday, just before 6 p.m. at 98th Avenue and Burr Street in East Oakland, two men and a woman pulled up to a residence in the area in a stolen Infiniti Q40.

A witness told police the three went onto the property and one of the men had a crowbar. The witness then heard a gunshot.

While I agree with not saying anything, the reality is that cops don't like that.

Massad Ayoob, has 2 videos that address this.

  1. Don't Talk to the Police? Massad Ayoob's 5 Points after a Self-Defense Shooting. Critical Mas Ep14
  2. Massad Ayoob Explains Making A Brief Statement After A Self-Defense Shooting. Critical Mas Ep77

They basically say to make a brief statement about what happened, point out evidence, and then shut up, and say you are going to contact your lawyer.

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