11 June 2024

No One Is Bothering to Pirate Star Wars: The Acolyte

Andre Einherjar is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of the Midnight's Edge YouTube channel. Another channel devoted to all things culture: Movies, TV, Video Games, and probably more that I don't know about.

As several people have pointed out, Apathy is the death knell for any cultural icon. Two or three years ago people were mad about what Kathleen "Put a chick in it and make her gay" Kennedy was doing to Lucasfilm. Today, while some people are still mad, and more people are laughing, most people have just checked out. Can't be bothered. Don't care.

That is the state in which the Star Wars franchise finds itself, as reflected in what is happening with the latest Disney+ offering, Star Wars: The Acolyte.

The conclusion is that the fan base isn't there anymore, because they weren't interested enough in seeing this to even pirate it.

This is Midnight's Edge video from Andre Even The Pirates REJECT Star Wars The Acolyte, that’s how Unpopular it is! It is 15 minutes, so plan accordingly.

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