14 June 2024

Journalists in California Morning the Death of Bad Guys

They don't seem to recognize that if he had stayed home, he would still be alive. Witnesses say home robbery gone wrong led to another deadly shooting in Oakland

The gunshots were reported just before 6 p.m. Witnesses said it appeared to be a home robbery gone wrong. Witnesses we spoke with said the victim homeowner apparently shot and killed the robbery suspect.

As far as I am concerned, a "home robbery gone wrong" would be one in which the homeowner was killed by the felons breaking into his home.

At least they managed to sort out who is, and who is not, a victim.

Police are not saying much as the investigation is just getting underway. Still, it appears to be a case of self defense. Which has the journalists all feeling sad.

Good Guys 1, Bad Guys 0.

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