09 June 2024

How Public Radio Morphed Into the Enemy of Freedom

Fair and balanced reporting from NPR is so far in the rear-view mirror that it can't be seen. How Public Radio Became the Enemy of the Public

It takes a truly staggering amount of narcissistic delusion to believe you not only know everything worth knowing but know everything about knowledge worth knowing. When NPR reporter Uri Berliner came forward last month to blow the whistle on his employer’s descent from beloved American institution into froth-mouthed partisanship and was quickly attacked and suspended by the organization he’d given 25 years of his life to, he unwittingly brushed up against a towering institutional hypocrisy that has come to saturate even the most trusted sources of information, a hypocrisy that threatens the very concept of “truth” in the western world.

Click thru for details that include how NPR's new CEO Katherine Maher came to be in charge. And who she is.

Maher’s intimacy with the Empire’s consent factories has long been a matter of public record: she is a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader, a fellow of neoliberal-neocon think tank the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab, and only just recently stepped down from her membership on the US State Department’s Foreign Affairs Policy Board, presumably due to the flaming conflict of interest such a role might pose with her NPR appointment.

RTWT. (Hat tip to Instapundit.)

1 comment:

  1. Well into the Eighties, when my worldview and politics had firmly shifted rightward, I could still enjoy "All Things Considered" and "A Prairie Home Companion." Even 20 years ago, programs like "My Word" and "Car Talk" were entertaining, sometimes educational, and even inspiring. Even as I've worked at being "kinder and gentler" in my dotage, I have no interest in the NPR brand, just as I disdain legacy media and FoxNews. The goal of reaching one's audience broadly with humor and equanimity was discarded long ago. Perhaps the musical programming still has value, but none of the "news" and opinion-shaping content does. It is sad.


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