07 June 2024

Friday Links - 7 June

The Other McCain brings us some Democrat insanity. On MSNBC ‘Kerosene Maxine’ Labels Republican Voters ‘Domestic Terrorists’

Of all the people to be criticizing inflammatory rhetoric! Some readers may not be old enough to remember why California Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters got the nickname “Kerosene Maxine.” During the Rodney King controversy leading up to the deadly 1992 Los Angeles riots, Waters was one of the most irresponsible voices in the South Central district she represented — pouring kerosene on the flames of hatred, so to speak. Her entire career has been built on smearing white people as “racist.”

Pixy Misa at Ambient Irony - Daily News Stuff 6 June 2024: Oops They Did It Again Edition

Microsoft has effectively destroyed computer security altogether. (Ars Technica)

Not directly the subject of the article (which is about Microsoft Recall, again), but of the pinned comment.

The point being that Recall is such a huge security risk, that even if you disable it (or never install Windows 11 in the first place), you have to assume that anyone you share a document with has been or will soon be hacked.

The Law Dog Files - Relax, buttercup, it’s cynicism.

Huh. Doesn’t look like the little bugsnipes needed spankings to become “aggressive and violent adults.”

Never Yet Melted - Disney Ruins Star Wars Some More. Because as much as I want to, I can't ignore the new Disney Star Wars abomination.

You have to wonder how it came about that practically all the greatest institutions and corporations in America have fallen into the hands of pea-brained conformist Woke nincompoops.

Sgt. Mom at Chicago Boyz - California Dreaming.

My daughter went out every year by Amtrak to spell my sister and her family, so that they could take a vacation from overseeing Mom’s constant care. Last year, she took Wee Jamie (then aged two) to introduce to my brothers, sister and Mom. She returned from every visit with discouraging stories of homeless camps lining the streets downtown by Union Station and freeway overpasses, horrifying mountains of trash and graffiti disfiguring buildings and the railway sidings, and disintegrating highways.

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