19 June 2024

Do You Own Stuff Worth Risking Your Life Over?

Do you own any piece of property that is worth getting shot, injured, or killed over? Everyone has to answer that question for themselves. For me that answer is no.

This is a story about a guy who was upset his truck had been broken into. My vehicle is 14 years old, and insured. I don't keep valuable stuff in the SUV - a couple of quarts of oil, gloves, a first aid kit, a couple of pairs of reading glasses (cheaters). Add it all together and the stuff inside the vehicle probably doesn't come to $200. I do have my old glasses in there as a backup, but that prescription is really only good for emergencies.

But in the end, if stuff gets damaged or stolen, that is why I have insurance.

Active Self Protection considers such an incident: Danger Awaits Homeowner Who Confronts Car Thief.

I think protecting your car from being stolen in your driveway is a moral good, but you'd better recognize it can be very dangerous.

A guy was alerted to activity in his driveway by his security cameras, and he went out to confront a guy who had broken into his truck. The video shows the outcome.

Is it your right to go outside and defend your property? It absolutely IS your right to go outside and do that, but I want you to pay good attention to the risks that this guy took. ...

Also recognize the risks here. You could get in a gunfight with this guy. How many guys are out there, and what are their capabilities, and what are they willing to do? You don't know, and I don't know.

So are you willing to have a potential gunfight against an unknown number of attackers, of unknown provenance, and unknown skill, for what amounts to $1000, or $2000, maybe. [Your insurance deductible] I don't think that's a smart choice, but you gotta set your own markers for that.

The video includes security video from the homeowner, and runs for about 7½ minutes. There are a number of questionable moves this guy made. In the end the homeowner received minor injuries, and his truck was damaged, so he is going to pay that $1000, or whatever, deductible anyway. And he risked his life. More than once. Despite the video, and the photos from his phone, cops haven't caught these guys. Was it worth it?

Here is a news story on the incident. Caught on Camera: Puyallup man takes wild ride on hood of car after thieves try to run him over

In a video almost too wild to believe, Smith feels lucky to be alive after he was confronted by a pair of accused car prowlers who tried to run him over.

So even the homeowner recognizes that it might not have been the smartest move.

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