17 June 2024

Bittersweet Memories

Akoma is a band I found by mistake. There is a new album Akoma by a different artist, that was mentioned on the website Pitchfork. But when I searched, I found the band, not the new album. (We may get to that album eventually, it is challenging even for my eclectic taste in music.)

Akoma, the band is a Symphonic Metal band out of Silkeborg, Midtjylland, Denmark. Don't worry they sing in English, though you still might not understand them. I haven't heard too much of their work, but I do like the quality of Tanya Bell's voice.

I can actually find very little about this band, so I don't think that they have had too much success. Which is too bad, because the few songs I've heard are not bad.

Here is a link to the lyrics. You might want them.

This is "Bittersweet Memories" by Akoma from their 2012 album The Other Side.

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