28 May 2024

The Start of Summer In Chicago

The next few months should be interesting in the Windy City. Huge brawl leaves migrant stabbed, cop injured as police declare emergency outside downtown Chicago shelter (Video) - CWB Chicago

With the Democrats planning to reenact the 1968 convention, the summer season got off to a start quite a start the Memorial Day Weekend. A brawl in downtown involving 70 or 80 "migrants," in which one person was stabbed, and an officer injured, and police declaring an emergency to draw cars from around the city.

A brawl started, but the crowds dispersed when cops approached with lights and sirens.

Just three minutes later, cops again called for more units, saying migrants were fighting inside Pritzker Park. An officer in the Central (1st) District police district’s surveillance room estimated that 70 to 80 people were involved.

It goes downhill from there.

The Democrats are going to be in the city in August for their convention. There was talk of making it a virtual convention because crime in the city is expected to be bad. Crime is down in comparison to the past few years, but still way up in terms of how it was a decade ago. Personally I think it will be poetic justice if the Radical Left manages to disrupt the Democrats, since the Democratic Party and their band of non-prosecuting attorneys around the country have been responsible for the Radical Left disrupting everyone else.

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