20 May 2024

The MV Dali Has Been Floated and Moved Today

Update: The ship started moving at about 6:50 this morning. It was moving at around ⅓ of a knot until it cleared the bridge, and then was making 1.1 knots.

Subject to weather. Actually the scheduled move was supposed to be at 5:24 a.m. local time (Baltimore) to coincide with high tide. So it could be done by the time you read this. (I don't know about you, but I don't get up at 5:15 on a Monday morning.

The video embedded below covers the outline of the things they have to do. Remove ballast, remove mooring lines, etc. There will be 5 tugs involved in the move.

The video confirms that the bow of the vessel partially crushed a gas line that follows the path of the bridge. That line is currently filled with inert gas at pressure.

The Newsroom at Key Bridge Response 2024 has all of the press releases, including those detailing the steps for the removal of MV Dali. Since the entire process will unfold over hours, the incident response team has set up time-lapse cameras, and will upload the video after the fact.

The Minorcan Mullet YouTube channel (fixed link) will likely have the best video of the move, assuming that the weather holds. Though as mentioned, it is likely to be a slow-motion operation.

This is the What's Going on With Shipping? video How Will Dali Be Refloated and Shifted on May 20, 2024? | Unified Command Refloat Plan Announced

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