26 May 2024

Searching for Bobby Fischer

Sort of ... This is about 10-year-old Faustino Oro, of Argentina. 10-Year Old Phenom Makes Podium As Kovalev, Duda Win Titled Tuesday

Faustino Oro finished 3rd in the May 21st tournament ahead of 3 of the strongest players in the world (by rating) Grand Masters Magnus Carlsen, Fabiano Caruana, and Hikaru Nakamura. Oro made a name for himself last year when he become the youngest player, at 9 years, to reach a rating of 2300. He made the (chess) news in March of this year when he beat GM Magnus Carlsen, former world champ, and still one of the strongest players in the world.

Argentina loves him, and compares him to Lionel Messi, their football (soccer) star.

And the title to this post is shamelessly stolen from a movie of that name, that is one of two movies about chess that I'm aware of. Searching for Bobby Fischer is quite good, even if you don't play chess. The other movie about the game is Fresh, about a kid growing up in the ghetto learning to play and applying to rules to the world he finds himself in. I think I actually like that one more. There is also The Queens Gambit, a mini series from a couple years back. I didn't care for that as much, though a lot of people thought it was great.

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