11 May 2024

Journalistic Euphemisms, the Homeless, and Self Defense

Because calling someone "homeless" is mean, or something. Unhoused man shot with pellet gun after reportedly refusing to leave property

He is so lucky that he was shot with a pellet gun, and not a 9mm or .45 ACP.

On May 10 just before 10 a.m., the Shreveport Police Department responded to a reported shooting in the 2500 block of Hersey D. Wilson Drive between Legardy and Stanley streets in the Martin Luther King neighborhood.

He threw a beer bottle at the homeowner, because of course he did, when he was asked to leave.

The homeowner then shot the unhoused person in the chest with a pellet gun, police say. Officials go on to say the homeowner feared for his life and acted out of self-defense.

Proving once again that the State of Louisiana has not morphed into a copy of Manhattan.

The guy was shot with a pellet gun, not a firearm. And not a hunting-capable air rifle. Yes, they exist, and I want one (not the only one), but whenever I have that much disposable income, I usually opt of something else. Anyway this guy will survive. No mention of charges.

Self Defense is a Human Right, and in Louisiana it seems to be your legal right. Also, if an armed homeowner invites you to leave, you should probably leave.

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