03 May 2024

Friday Links - 3 May

The Other McCain is up first with The ‘Moorish Sovereign Citizen’ Menace

There is no basis in fact for the assertion that black people in Louisiana (or anywhere else) are descended from the Ouachita tribe (or any other Native American group), nor that they are “Moors” from Morocco (or Mauritania for that matter). All these claims were invented for fraudulent purposes, e.g., the scam of selling fictitious “citizenship” for $520

Volokh Conspiracy - Victims of Communism Day—2024

May Day should be a day to honor victims of an ideology that took tens of millions of lives. But we should also be open to alternative dates if they can attract broad enough support.

Professor David Yamane at Gun Culture 2.0 - Read the Preface to My Book Gun Curious FREE

If you’re still on the fence about whether to pre-order the book (links below), have a look at the Preface. It gives you an idea of the tone of the book and my hopes for it.

Chicago Contrarian - No, Mr. Mayor: Chicago Is Not a Hothouse of Right-Wing Extremism

Chicago's ideologue mayor, Brandon Johnson, has suffered several political setbacks in his first year in office.

But rather than blaming himself, Johnson is pointing his righteous finger at “Right-wing extremists.”

Not The Bee - Idaho man arrested in Yellowstone hospital for [checks notes] kicking a bison

Yoder marks the first tourist to get gored by a bison this year, and what a way to jump into the season!

The Other McCain on Sydney Sweeney. Covering the Big Issues

Both of them

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