29 May 2024

Falling Free

I know how much foreign languages make most people's heads ache, so I am featuring a song in English by a singer who doesn't always sing in English. Eivør is from the Faroe Islands (about halfway between Iceland and Norway), and a lot of her songs are in Faroese, but not today's song.

Here is a link to the lyrics. You may need them.

Something about her singing reminds me of Kate Bush. Not always, just now then. I think it is her upper register. She does have an amazing voice.

This song is "Falling Free" by Eivør. It was recorded live at the Old Theater in Tórshavn (Thor's Harbor), the capital of the Faroe Islands. It was included as a bonus track on the English version of her 2015 album Slør. That 2017 album is Slør (English Version). Overall, I prefer the original, but it does have some redeeming qualities.

The studio version of the song was part of the 2012 album Room.


  1. I can fall asleep to Evoir, I have several of her CD's.

    1. That's cool. I always encourage people to buy CDs from artists they like. They make almost no money from Spotify/YouTube/whatever. If you want them to keep making music, they need to make money, and that means that they need to sell records.


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