17 May 2024

Australia Takes a Step Back from Censorship

From Pixy Misa at Ambient Irony, we get the following: Daily News Stuff 13 May 2024: X Marks The Plot Edition

Twitter has won a significant victory as an Australia federal judge has told Australia's e-Safety commission to fuck off. (Sky News)

Well, that isn't quite what the judge said, but it comes as close as a judge can.

Our e-Safety commissioner - a Yankee import and former Twitter censor - wanted to block video of the stabbing attack of a Sydney bishop from viewers worldwide.

Justice Geoffrey Kennett today said, and I quote, Nah.

There is more on what the judge actually said, but it comes to "Nah."

Also from Australia...

Meanwhile Australia plans to continue expanding the extraction and exports of natural gas through to at least 2050, by which time everyone will have been dead for 38 years. (BBC)

The usual suspects are up in arms.

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