04 February 2024

How Disney Destroyed Star Wars

How do you take $4 billion, and set it on fire? Well, Disney Star Wars has managed to basically do exactly that. $4 billion being what they paid for Lucasfilm. What do the have to show for it? Well, they probably made some money on the sequel trilogy, though the 3 movies showed diminishing returns. Then they released a few forgettable films and bunch of horrible TV shows.

Tell me, are you excited for another movie about one of the least popular, least developed, and least interesting Mary Sue fantasy figures in Star Wars history, directed by a feminist-activist, documentary maker with zero experience of Star Wars, or even feature films in general?

Calling Rey Palpatine the "least popular" is being polite. "Most hated" would probably be a better description.

Or how about The Acolyte? A female-centric, fully inclusive, and diversity-approved TV show that nobody actually seems to know anything about, because the only conversations happening about it revolve entirely around how female-centric, inclusive, and diverse it is.

Drinker goes on to describe that show as "less of a Star Wars story, and more of a month-long DEI seminar." I'm sure that will have tremendous ratings.

Drinker does offer some advice as to "How can Disney/Lucasfilm fix this mess?" They won't listen because it would involve first and foremost getting rid of activists and replacing them with people who can write a compelling story. I don't believe that there any people like that left in Hollywood.

This is Critical Drinker's video The Absolute State Of Disney Star Wars.

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