20 February 2024

Britain's National Health Service Keeps Killing

Not by way of accidents. They set out to kill people and they do. The banned end-of-life pathway that has never gone away - The Conservative Woman

The Liverpool Care Pathway was a doublespeak term that meant killing people. "Care" in this case meant staring people to death, or having them die by way of dehydration. They also would administer large does of opioids, because that kept people from complaining as they were starved to death.

JULY 15 will be the tenth anniversary of the abolition of the Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP) in every hospital and hospice in the country. The end-of-life-care protocol was scrapped by the Government as a ‘national disgrace’, in the words of Norman Lamb, then Care Services Minister, after a review by Baroness Neuberger found widespread failings and abuses.

Ten years since the got rid of it, but apparently it went away in name only.

What followed after 2014 was a classic establishment stitch-up in which the LCP was repackaged and rebranded with replacements perpetuating errors central to the initial lethal dysfunction – imaginary prognoses of death, anticipatory prescribing of drugs via syringe drivers, and the withdrawal of food and fluids following a ‘best interest’ team decision.

Relatively new is the protection of such practices by secret courts which appear hostile not only to awkward families but also to contrary medical opinion.

So why are the doctors in the NHS continuing to kill people? Because they can. And because caring for the sick and the elderly is expensive, and the NHS is under a lot of financial pressure.

Yet the media still hero-worships the NHS and sympathises with campaigners and celebrities who want to change the law to give doctors more power to kill by assisted suicide and euthanasia.

So much for "Do no harm."

I can't wait until we have socialized medicine! (Hat tip to Irons in the Fire.)

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