12 February 2024

Armed Self-Defense in Austria

Will it become commonplace, as it seems to be doing in our Blue Cities? Who can tell? Home invasion: Homeowner shot at burglar

The "Professional Journalist" said that this incident engendered "fear and terror" in the district, but they didn't say who was afraid. My guess is the journalist was terrified, but it is only a guess.

Kroneuburg is about 15 kilometers north of Vienna, Austria.

The dog raised the alarm, whereupon the woman woke up and went to investigate. She caught the trio in the act, whereupon the 50-year-old woman was immediately attacked with an iron bar and injured.

Awakened by the noise, her husband rushed to her aid. He was also immediately attacked by the criminals. The 71-year-old then fired a shot from his legally owned revolver at the intruders. One of the three perpetrators was hit and collapsed in the garden.

I'm not familiar with the self-defense laws in Austria, but the article makes it sound like the police are looking for the two that got away, and have no interest in prosecuting the couple, both of whom were injured in the attack.

The guy who got shot was taken to a local hospital, and after surgery was listed in stable condition. The investigation continues.

I will have to do some research into the crime patterns in Europe. Is violent crime going up there, the way it is going up in parts of the US? And I hope to see more on this story, to see how they treat the victims, and what charges are brought against the perpetrator.

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