08 January 2024

Some Instances of Genocide Don't Fit the Narrative

From Daniel Greenfield / Sultan Knish we get the following: A Christmas Muslim Genocide in Nigeria.

Muslims celebrated Christmas in Nigeria by massacring around 100 Christians across a dozen communities. The Jihadis hacked Christians to death with machetes and burned down churches as part of a genocidal campaign that has killed 52,000 Christians in over a decade and forced millions to leave their home and become refugees in the African nation.

In America, not a single person marched, rallied or protested over this actual genocide.

I don't watch the 24 hour news service, but if this got any coverage, I think it would have made its way into my news feeds, or my social media. I guess the war against Christians isn't of interest to the media.

The rampaging mobs crying that Hamas is suffering genocide remained silent. Black Lives Matter had nothing to say about it and neither did any of the politicians and social media influencers who spend all of their time pushing fake casualty numbers out of Gaza.

Read the whole thing. The statistics are disturbing.

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