It can be hard to be sure in a Blue State. Shady Cove homeowner 'justified' in shooting burglar, new report says | CrimeWatch | KDRV
The guy who got shot broke into the home. This put him in violation of a court order. A temporary order had been obtained in September of last year, and it was made permanent in October of last year. The shooting was the 21st of November.
"Mr. Blough reported that he heard glass breaking, he saw the glass by the front door was shattered so he obtained his handgun before going to see what was happening," the release said. "Mr. Blough confronted Mr. Wilson who was inside the kitchen of the residence. Mr. Blough said Mr. Wilson said something to the effect of 'you better do it or you better pull the trigger' and then Mr. Wilson charged toward him."
He fired until Wilson fell to the floor. He had been shot 8 times.
There are more details, including about what lead to the imposition of a court order, the drugs found in his system by the autopsy's drug screen, and more.
Taking from the end of November until the end of January to make such a determination, isn't bad considering that getting bureaucracies to do anything over the holidays is next to impossible. There is no mention of a grand jury, so I have to assume that the DA made this determination. Given the rural nature of Shady Cove, this is not too surprising an outcome.
Shady Cove, Oregon is about 40 miles north of the California state line. It is about 100 miles south of Eugene, or 150 miles from Eugene by car.
Self-defense is a human-right, and even in a blue state it may be your legal right.
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