08 January 2024

Self-defense is Legal in Missouri

But then I thought it was. Stone County shooting death ruled justified. Review finds homeowner acted in self-defense

A November shooting death in Reed Springs has been ruled justified by prosecutors following an investigation by the Greene County Sheriff's Office.

Stone County deputies accused Michael A. Ruhde, 33, of violently invading a man's residence around 10:30 p.m. Nov. 4 in the rural area of Keystone and Old Wilderness before the homeowner opened fire, killing the alleged intruder.

Reed Springs, Missouri is about 40 miles south of Springfield, Missouri.

Considering that virtually nothing happens between Thanksgiving and New Years, this is not a bad turn around. Since Stone County is relatively rural, they requested assistance with the investigation from Greene County.

The investigation was promptly handed over to nearby Greene County — "not a conflict (of interest) or any issues, (Stone County) just requested if we would help them by doing it," Greene County Sheriff Jim Arnott said in November — before the Greene County Prosecutor's Office made a determination.

Self-defense is a human-right. And you should NOT break into other people's homes.

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